Anxiety is a normal reaction to any situation where we feel threatened or concerned. It is characterized by long term of worry, tension, nervousness, fidgeting and symptoms of autonomic system hyperactivity. Anxiety can keep us safe or it can motivate us to work harder. Everyone has stress in their lives. Stress can range from mild to severe. If we let the stress build up without doing anything to relax, our health can be affected. Headaches, diarrhea and gastric problems can be caused by stress. It is constant and for a long period of time we are putting our health in danger.
Did you know that music therapy can reduce the pain and anxiety in hospice patients? Music has a long history of aiding in the healing and wellness of individuals. Music therapy, taught in a four-year program with a six-month internship following coursework, combines work in music, psychology and other disciplines. It has many applications in a wide variety of environments and a broad range of clients, from premature babies to people needing physical or psychological therapy. The key is to get a patient moving or involved with the music, perhaps singing along or playing an instrument as the therapist plays on the guitar.